
Yes in Japanese: Simple Ways to Say Yes Like a Native

Yes in Japanese is more than just one word! If you want to say “yes in Japanese,” the most common word is “はい” (hai). But did you know there are many ways to say yes depending on the situation? Some words sound formal, while others are casual or even emotional.

In this blog, we will explore different ways to say “yes in Japanese” and when to use them. Whether you are talking to friends, at work, or watching anime, learning these words will help you sound more natural. Let’s dive in and discover how Japanese people say yes in different ways.

What Does “Yes in Japanese” Mean

Yes in Japanese is not just one word. It can change depending on how you speak and who you talk to. Sometimes, people use different words to sound polite or friendly. Other times, they may use short or long words to show different feelings.

Understanding the meaning of yes in Japanese will help you talk better. It will also help you know how people use yes in different situations. By learning different ways to say yes, you can sound more like a native speaker.

Many people think that “はい” (hai) is the only way to say yes in Japanese. While it is common, there are other ways too. Some words are polite, and some are more relaxed. Let’s explore them one by one.

The Most Common Way to Say Yes in Japanese

The most common way to say yes in Japanese is “はい” (hai). This word is simple and easy to use. You can say “hai” when answering a question or agreeing with someone. It is often used in schools, workplaces, and even in daily conversations.

Another way to say yes is “ええ” (ee). This is more casual and is often used when talking to friends or family. It sounds natural and friendly. You might hear it in movies, anime, or real conversations.

Sometimes, people say “うん” (un) when they want to agree casually. This is the most relaxed way to say yes in Japanese. It is best used with close friends or family members.

Polite Ways to Say Yes in Japanese for Formal Situations

When talking to teachers, bosses, or elders, you need to use polite language. Instead of “hai,” you can use “かしこまりました” (kashikomarimashita), which means “I understand.” This is very formal and used in business settings.

Another polite way to say yes is “承知しました” (shouchi shimashita). This is often used in customer service or workplaces. It means “I have understood” in a very respectful way.

If you are accepting an offer or request politely, you can say “はい、お願いします” (hai, onegai shimasu). This means “Yes, please.” It is useful in restaurants, stores, or when asking for help.

Casual Ways to Say Yes in Japanese with Friends

When talking to close friends, you can use informal words. “うん” (un) is the simplest way to agree casually. It is short, friendly, and sounds natural in daily conversations.

Another way is “そうだね” (sou da ne), which means “That’s right.” It is often used when agreeing with someone’s opinion.

If you want to sound even more casual, you can say “いいよ” (ii yo). This means “Sure” or “Okay” and is used when giving permission or agreeing in a relaxed way.

Other Ways to Say Yes in Japanese with Feelings

Sometimes, you want to express emotions when saying yes. “もちろん” (mochiron) means “Of course!” and shows strong agreement. It is used when you completely agree with something.

If you are excited, you can say “うんうん!” (un un!), which means “Yes, yes!” This makes you sound cheerful and full of energy.

For a thoughtful yes, “そうですね” (sou desu ne) is useful. It means “Yes, that’s true” and is often used when thinking or agreeing calmly.

How to Use “Yes in Japanese” in Real Conversations

Knowing different ways to say yes helps you sound natural. You can use “hai” for formal situations, “ee” for casual talks, and “un” for friendly chats.

In business, you should use polite forms like “shouchi shimashita” to sound professional. In daily life, you can say “ii yo” when accepting an invitation.

When watching Japanese TV shows or anime, listen to how people say yes. This will help you learn when to use each word correctly.

Common Mistakes When Saying Yes in Japanese

Many beginners only use “hai” for everything. While “hai” is useful, it may sound too formal in friendly talks. Instead, try using “un” or “ee” when talking to friends.

Another mistake is using polite words in casual talks. Saying “kashikomarimashita” to friends might sound strange. Make sure to use the right level of politeness.

Some words for yes can change meaning. For example, “ii yo” can mean “yes” but also “no problem.” Always check the situation before using it.

Fun Facts About Saying Yes in Japanese

  • Japanese people sometimes nod instead of saying yes.
  • In anime, characters often use “un!” for a cute way to say yes.
  • Some old Japanese words for yes are not used today.


Learning different ways to say yes in Japanese can help you in many situations. You can use formal words in business, casual words with friends, and expressive words when showing emotions. This will make your Japanese sound more natural and fluent.

Practice these words in daily conversations and listen to how native speakers use them. The more you practice, the better you will get. Soon, you will be able to say yes in Japanese just like a native speaker!


Q: What is the most common way to say yes in Japanese?
A: The most common way is “はい” (hai). It is polite and can be used in most situations.

Q: Can I use “un” instead of “hai”?
A: Yes, “うん” (un) is a casual way to say yes. It is best used with friends and family.

Q: How do I say yes politely in Japanese?
A: You can use “かしこまりました” (kashikomarimashita) or “承知しました” (shouchi shimashita) for formal situations.

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